File an Auto Insurance Claim

File an Auto Insurance Claim

How to File An Auto Insurance Claim


If you are unable to get in touch with an agent at our office when you need to file an auto insurance claim, you can use the list of other companies to contact someone. If you have an emergency, please call 207-619-2811. We serve residents throughout Auburn, Turner & Lewiston, ME. 


Auto Insurance Lewiston, Auburn & Turner, ME

Steps to Follow When Filing an Auto Insurance Claim

When you have been involved in an accident, several emotions and panic can set in. If this is a first time occurrence, you may not know what steps are necessary to make sure you are well represented. At Champoux Insurance Group, our main priority is to take care of our clients, which includes educating them on how to handle these hectic situations.

  1. Safety: The first thing you should be concerned about is checking in on the health of you and your loved ones that were affected by the accident. Take any necessary precautions, and call emergency services right away if you feel something may not be right.
  2. Gather Information: When it comes to an item as expensive as a vehicle, you will want to make sure you have a detailed record of what happened to cause the accident. Make sure you call the police as a witness of the conversation between any parties involved, this way they can provide a record of the incident and ensure the insurance company has the correct information to move forward. You will want to take photos of any damage to your vehicle, the surrounding scene, as well as the other party's vehicles. As much evidence as possible can only help your case. If your vehicle needs to be towed, make sure you hold on to any payment receipts, and make note of the other party's information in order to move forward with insurance agencies.
  3. Contact Your Insurance: After you have checked in on the health of those involved, gathered as much information as possible, you will then want to contact your auto insurance agency as quickly as possible. The sooner you begin the process, the better the odds are to fall in your favor. Once you are in contact with an insurer, explain in detail the situation at hand. 

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